Probably the creepiest design I have yet to conjure this latest design/illustration is truly a sight for sore eyes and is bound to give small children nightmares. This album artwork is for the debut release “Mind Melter” by the Scarborough, Ontario band Seed of Nature. It is almost impossible to describe the sound of Seed of Natures music for every song they do is of a different style. However their music is simply amazing. The sound goes from Rock, Grunge, Funk, Metal and Alternative. Not one Seed of Nature song sounds the same. For the album artwork I was going for a strange, psychadellic but creepy atmosphere. The cover brings you many different feelings at once and presents a different emotional and intellectual experience to everyone who looks upon it.
This album is to be released on CD and digital format Saturday, April 27th, 2013 at the bands EP release party and will be available for purchase via iTunes