Several Months ago while working as a web designer for the free-to-play game publisher Smilegate West I was tasked with creating the visual identity for our new game Futebol Mania. I was partnered with my coworker at the time Jisu Lee to work on this. We started as a group to develop many concepts for the idea. Original the game was to be called Freestyle football and was to have a more simplistic, traditional and sporty soccer themed logo. But for the games artstyle in the end we went for more of a graffiti style. In the end I alone was tasked with customizing the shape of the vectorized type and ended up with a satisfying logo.
To check out the games website and/or download the game you can find it here. Great fun. I highly recommend.
While I designed this. This artwork is property of Smilegate West. This design is already public officially. Is on my blog for portfolio purposes not for profit.
Logo Concepts